Monday, October 4, 2010

Single Sourced Documents

The technological autobiography was a definte blast from the past. It never really dawned on me that the amount of advances that my generation has experienced first hand in two decades surpasses those of my grandparents. The information has always been available for my generation to learn. The concept of single sourcing raises a lot of curiosity for myself as an English/Marketing double major. As a marketing major, consumers unconciously are exposed to single sourcing. From a Marketing point of view, single sourcing can breed a love/hate relationship just as it can for the English field.. If a new single sourced "template"  was incompatible to consumer's needs than it would breed a hate. In contrast, many consumers love and adapt to many new single sourced templates. As a writer, I have mixed feelings about single sourced documents. I feel that the structure is often times a good way to set boundaries..but it also sets limitations for the writer.

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